The United 747 airliner was pushing hard into a strong head wind of the friendly skies preparing to make its landing in the turbulent Florida night. Tomorrow was being dubbed as America’s most decisive election since the days of “Honest Abe” making his reputation as the country’s greatest unifier. For the last several years political division amongst family, friends , and partners is at a level that was not recognizable in past generations. We’ve always had our heated and violent political disagreements, but nothing like the hate and labeling we have experienced in these past three presidential cycles. Through the storm clouds and howling winds an eerie quiet fell upon the tube in the air as its passengers braced for the landing. In less than 24 hours Americans were going to decide on something they had the chance to do 60 times prior, who was going to lead this nation forward in possibly its darkest time and become the 47th President of the United States. America’s decrypted two-party political system is waging Civil War with an intensity in politics that has reached unprecedented levels. Each side was predicting “the end of democracy” if the other side prevailed. Both leading candidates were convinced that if their opponents won it would be America’s last election. The polls were opening in 12 hours and the mood aboard the deplaning jetliner was the kind of anxiousness that you get when you know tomorrow the results of your final exam are going to read for all to hear. The pollsters, once again, were selling a very close race that was unlikely to be wrapped up on election night.

The political landscape in America the last ten years has been raging a war filled with division, chaos, and hate. Both sides of the American divide are expert at projecting onto each other the sins of themselves. The two-party system, that has both been the glue and the grease of our political make-up is now dangling on the ropes. Republicans and Democrats are unrecognizable from the pictures drawn in the history books. The Republicans who support former President Donald Trump have been labeled by their opponents as racists, misogynists, and even Nazis. In kind, the Republicans have donned their donkey foes as big government globalists, warmongers, and even communists. The divide runs deep and dark. The major issues of the day haven’t changed only the heightened accusations by the evil forces of the opposing sides. The specific issues are no different then they have been throughout the jaded history of the United States: Inflation, Immigration, Isolationism vs Intervention, Globalism vs Nationalism. Do you support the Green New Deal, or do you call it the Green New Scam? The current administration is just completing its four-year run as leader of the free world by calculatingly allowing over 10,000,000 undocumented and unvetted illegal immigrants across a wide-open border. Their main opposition party promised immediate mass deportation if they get back the keys to the country. As the plane touched down in South Florida the day before the most important election of the last two centuries, the air was unsettling, like the calm before the first shot is fired.

On election day 2024, West Palm Beach Florida was breezy and cloudy with an occasional mist carried by the gusts of a pesky wind. It is way past time for America to start healing its wounds that are now hemorrhaging. The results of today’s election were going to send a clear signal, or possibly make the waters even mirkier. After today America was going to have to find a way to accept the results no matter which lever they pulled. It will have to be a time of reconciliation and reconstruction, or the great experiment that has been so successful the last 250 years will die. The voices on social media were busy making their predictions and their idle threats: “If Trump wins, I am leaving the country.” screamed Hollywood’s elite. “If Harris wins America will be changing her name to China,” exalted the extreme Magas. The two candidates are opposites, maybe more so then any two candidates in presidential history. One was the former President, who after losing his first bid to retain the White House, led what seemed likely to be his political funeral in Washington D.C. on Jan 6th, 2021. His opponent is the current Vice President of the United States who was anointed to the ticket without receiving a single vote in a state primary. One was supposedly a convicted felon, election denier, he was impeached twice and has been hit by an assassin’s bullet. It was not until mid-July that the Dems decided to replace the top of the ticket. Vice President Kamala Harris picked up the mantle for the cognitively failing President Biden. Trump’s opponent had already positioned herself as a failed pol who was obviously was a puppet of an already failed DNC agenda. These were the two choices America faced on a day when Americans would decide which way the world’s axis was going to turn.

The roller coaster ride that is American politics reached its zenith nine years ago when Donald Trump glided down the long elevator in his Manhattan fortress, announcing: “I am a candidate for President of the United States.” He shocked the world immediately, although not securing the popular vote, he was able to pass the 270 threshold for electoral votes to become the 45th President of the United States. From the day Trump slid down from atop Trump Tower he was under nonstop siege from all angles. “He’s a Russian agent, he’s a dictator, he’s a criminal,” cried the entire mainstream media. He was burdened during his first term with two impeachments, a pandemic, and an institutional deep state that didn’t want him at the party. Trump would eventually lose his attempt at re-election to a long time Washington D.C. insider. His opponent in that 2020 election was President Joe Biden, who barely campaigned and had already started into a personal cognitive decline for those who cared to look. It became more and more evident throughout his Presidency that Biden was an empty vessel controlled by the far-left globalists at the command of Barrack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. The real estate magnate, and reality T.V. star had dipped his feet into the swamp of politics and nearly was drowned in the quicksand. Trump was the dark knight of a populist movement that was calling out the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Justice as inefficient and corrupt. As the 2024 election approached Trump had survived the constant assaults and decisively was handed victory in the 2024 Republican primary. The democrats on the other hand went into full coup d’etat mode after Biden was exposed as a feeble old man in the June Presidential debate. Without a primary or garnishing a single vote Kamala Harris was picked, by who knows, probably the Obama’s to be the democrats “to save Democracy from the Nazi that is Donald Trump.”
In the early returns on election night Kamala Harris seemed to be leading in all seven swing states. This would turn out to be the last grasp for a democratic party that was soon going to be read a verdict that was going to leave a deeper wound in their belly then the dagger Trump plunged into them in 2016. By the time morning came, the day after all the ballots were closed, Donald Trump had emerged as America’s new Caesar. The man his enemies tried to pigeonhole as Adolf Hitler secured the most dramatic comeback victory ever in American politics. By the time the counting was done he had secured 312 electoral votes, he won the popular vote by over three million and won all seven of the critical swing states ( Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Georgia). The people had spoken loud and clear. They overwhelmingly elected the man with all the felony convictions, the man who was impeached twice, the man who has been labeled a Russian asset, and the man who the mainstream media said would name himself dictator for life. What all this says about the American electorate is something that will be studied for as long as there are political scientists. No matter which side of the fight you were on the facts and the results are in. Donald Trump was decisively elected the 47th President of the United States of America leaving no doubt that the far-left mantras of a woke and weak government were going to get some trimming and body work done. The good news for the country’s sake is the fact the vote was clean and decided within 24 hours of the voting booths closing.
The United Jet was lifting into the Fort Lauderdale night heading back to New York. The election was almost a week behind and the calm in the air was palpable. For the past several decades we have heard cries of despair from all corners of America in reference to our institutions. There has been plenty of “wanting” from the two once powerful machines that are the democratic and republican parties . Two diametrically polarized meteors have had their biggest collision in all their years of battle. The democrats spent over one billion dollars in a hope that they could finally have the big gov’t control they have been foaming over for so long. The new populist Magas (new republicans) wanted a return to family values, and a more nationalized constitutional republic on the top of their wish list. The New York skyline was in the direct sight of the passengers as the big bird gently touched down. All the wanting was over, a decision had been made. The American electorate has had enough of the “Big Machine” helping others before helping ourselves. Five days earlier Donald Trump secured the greatest comeback victory in American political history. To the victors go the spoils, which will include a major power shift from the federal bureaucracy to the individual state and local jurisdictions. As the plane’s wheels hit the ground at the John F. Kennedy Long Island Airport the young lady seated in the middle seat opened her eyes. “We’re already on the ground?” she asked. The older gentleman, now standing in the aisle, paused soaking in the moment. ‘We’re back in New York, where hopefully the healing begins.’