I read the the Constitution of the United States recently. I am more convinced than ever before that our founding fathers would be extremely unhappy with how big our government has become.
Officially there are three branches of government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. I think unofficially the fourth branch is the “Deep State”.
We all make thousands of decisions a day. It is mind boggling to imagine what goes behind that mental process.
Rudy Guiliani got a bit confused peddling his spin, “The truth isn’t the truth. It is someone’s version of the truth.” I do understand Rudy, but it sounds real bad.
Andrew Cuomo another ungrateful, arrogant, phony topped Guilani’s quote, “America was never great.” Again, I do understand, but if words do matter that should be career ending.
Here are some credible words from me. Bill Clinton should never have been impeached. Considering impeaching President Trump in reference to payment to Stormy Daniels or Paul Manafort’s 2005 tax problems is more egregious.
If you want to play this game, then let’s play. Announce a special council to investigate some real criminality in government, ie….Hillary Clinton’s crimes against humanity, the crooked Robert Mueller and the FBI, and the slimiest of slimey, John Brennan and the CIA. Until that happens Trump is right, this is nothing more than a witch hunt.
Every time I speak to my lawyers now I meet in a secure place and have my people pat them down. Michael Cohen has destroyed the idea of attorney-client privilege.
Isn’t it funny how all the crooked politicians judge crooked businessmen. And the pot said to the kettle.
An illegal immigrant stalks and murders a Iowa girl and CNN barely mentions it. They do find the time to report this scumbag was hired to work for a company owned by a Republican politician.
Michael Cohen gets four years in prison instead of 60. This guy represents the scumiest of lawyers on their scumiest day.
The Democrats cried “you can’t impeach a President for personal reasons” in defending Bill Clinton. I think we all can agree Donald Trump, or Bill Clinton, are not going to pass for anyone’s moral compass.
Lanny Davis is Michael Cohen’s counsel. Davis, one of the most obnoxious of all the Clinton hired lackeys, is out of his coffin making a bigger ass of himself then ever before.
It is clear that Lanny Davis represents the tainted Democratic National Committee and not Michael Cohen. On national television Davis declared his client would never accept a pardon from Trump. Lanny Davis has spent a lifetime shaming his profession.
Paul Manafort was found guilty of tax invasion and bank fraud. Someone please explain to me how this is vital to the Russian collusion.
I am befuddled. How can the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels be both “hush money” and a campaign contribution? Stormy and her attorney Michael Avanatti co-created the dance moves for “Do the Hustle”.
It makes zero difference as to which side of the issue you are on, you must agree this purge for impeachment has lost all credibility. If you don’t believe that, I have some good shit to sell you.
Trump has been calling out our long time government establishment on negligence and incompetence. Hate the game not the player.
If Bob Mueller is worthy of the pedestal the Trump haters put him on then it is time for him to step up and say. “I can’t find any evidence that Donald Trump directly colluded with Russia.”
I have changed my mind on the wall. Build it NOW!!!
The first duty of our gov’t is to protect its’ citizens. I think the Tibbetts’ family gives the government low marks in this area.
A word of advice to the hate mongers. Impeaching President Clinton for getting blow-jobs and lying about them turned him into a very popular guy.
I am going to make a prediction. If Mueller continues to try and muscle Trump henchmen the next investigation will center around Hilary Clinton.
They hold 60 years over him and Michael Cohen flips onto to his stomach. This guy is as reliable as your favorite scorned lover.
The pursuers of Donald Trump are cowards, but they pail in comparison with the Catholic Church. After abusing little boys Priests would give the children a cross to wear so the other Priests would know who was vunerable.
Thanks to the city of Atlanta for the southern charm they laid on my family last week. A special thank you to Ricardo and Lisa for being very special hosts to myself, Donna and Laura.
“He who has a how, has a way.” Jordan Peterson, The creator of “self authoring” understands freedom of speech as good as anyone.
I am committed to solving problems. I am honing my act on a small stage right now.
Once in a while people can recognize, I can recognize, what they are thinking. That kind of recognition is electric.
It is convenient for Trump. He has his own twitter station and his own television station.
One of the hardest things to do in life is to let go. The Trump detractors should let go of their bias and hate.
If you’re reading this, there is still time for you. What are you doing for the rest of your life?