I saw this meme yesterday: The devil whispered in my ear “You are not strong enough to withstand the storm. Today I whispered in the devil’s ear, ‘I am the storm.’
Our President and “Rocket Man” are dressed up as adversaries. Behind closed doors they are actually working together to solve the earth’s biggest problem………Global Warming.
Is it possible Trump is a genius disguised as a buffoon? I dare you to answer…
I look at Mary Kate and see so much of a 20 year I use to know very well……… digging in and trying to find themselves …….. filled with anger, filled will love, filled with despair, filled with hope yet her dreams keep winning the day.
It took me 57 years and finally I have discovered a way to systematically save money…… It is Oct. 1 and I have yet to bet on a football game.
In our office coaching session on Core values there were many surprises. The biggest shocker to me was the word everyone had on their list as the most important value……. Empathy.
The New York Times reported that Keith Schiller, Donald Trump’s long time security boss, is out of his position as Director of the Oval Office ……. I spoke to Keith directly and this time the Times got it right.
Aaron Hernandez’s family is suing the NFL for $20,000,000 for head trauma caused by Hernandez playing football without proper warnings, disclaimers and precautions … In other words the murders he committed and his eventual suicide was the NFL’s fault……..
Last week I received my 45th parking ticket in uptown Kingston…… Take that , all you haters who think I think I am somebody important.
Kens Burns has done it again…….. his PBS series on the Vietnam War is the most extensive documentary on a War that tore this country apart.
Watching the series’ clips of the 1968 Democratic convention reminded me that America being divided is not novel to current times…… The Establishment vs. the Counter Culture was quite the street fight.
I wish I could be less practical about death. My mom passed away five years ago. I still am not comfortable with my own grieving process when it comes to her…….. Maybe my inflated pragmatism comes from something my mom used to tell me often “Life is for the living.”
I know a lot of people who were born on third and act like they hit a triple……I started in the on deck circle and my hat just flew off rounding second.
I am shocked to hear about all this corruption in big time college basketball and football……..all this time I thought it was about student athletes.
There is no question our country has drawn some well defined lines in recent years. But please let’s not act as if we are regressing………. Have you heard of The Civil War, or the 1960’s?
No one lived life on their own terms better than Hugh Hefner. He ran so fast, so hard , so long………. In this short life he got the maximum bang for his bucks. See you on the other side Hef.
While I am outraged by Police profiling minorities. I have one more question for these young NFL players taking a knee on Sunday……… Have you ever once thought about the lost 19 year old boys who died trying to capture a hill in Vietnam?
When people begin statements with phrases similar to these: “Frankly speaking”,” Let me be honest,” “You know I am a straight shooter”,…… Be very careful of anything they say after that.
Disruption is not a friendly word for most of us. We spend a good portion of our lives doing everything to avoid it………..In the process of avoidance what do we leave behind? Just asking.
Respect to those who climb to the top of the ambition ladder. They have the records , the money , the glory. What they have accomplished you cannot take away from them……. At the zenith the enemies will reach far to pull you down. The fall is steep. All their money will never be able to take away the burn, the pain and the shame.
In case you are wondering who I have in mind . ……. Let’s start with Hillary Clinton, Tiger Woods, Rick Pitino, Bernie Madoff. You fill in some more.
Checking in at St. Peters hospital for my dad’s procedure I heard many times what an excellent doctor he had performing the surgery……..I told dad it was our lucky day we didn’t get one of the mediocre surgeons.
I finally had the old Miss Pacman machine removed from my basement. We were together 20 years. A smile came across my face when I noticed my all-time record for the highest score still stands. PHEW!!!!!…….Ahhhh shucks, such meaningful memories.
Laura is the daughter one could only dream of. Mary Kate is the son of all our fears…… …Carved right out of our own ass.
An acquaintance gave me a harsh dress down for my misrepresentation and spelling of the phrase eavesdropping. All my life I have said easedropping …… O.K. I may have deserved to been told to stop professing to being even a little bit smart, but reporting me to my MENSA sponsor was harsh.
This same person, respectfully to my face, called me a wannabe and suggested I suffered from fibromyalgia………. I always enjoy some tough love along with a piece of humble pie.
At their last weekly meeting God reminded the Devil that he drafted Hef years ago. The Devil just shook his head.
I have been spending most of my time lately attempting to live Godly…….I’ve got a feeling by next week I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places.