The “King”, Elvis Aaron Presley, was coming through Matt’s radio singing his cover of the touching Irish lyric “Danny Boy”. America’s endless holiday known as Saint Patrick’s Day was currently in the middle of its two-week annual spring tour. The year’s most tedious holiday had arrived in the state of New York’s capital city of the past. Bartertown’s uptown business district was in full swing, celebrating all things green Irish, and otherwise. The leprechauns originated a day to honor the passing of the Patron Saint Patrick on the day of his death 461 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Bartertown traditionally had its St. Paddy’s parade the week prior to the official holiday, which allows the local sandwich spots to serve up corn beef and cabbage to their customers at nausea. Matt parked his car in the vicinity of the Old Dutch Church where he caught a glimpse of small children dressed up in cute pixy outfits. The March O’ Faeries were gracefully fluttering about the church’s 18th century graveyard. The Saturday before Blarney Day Matt was watching the rhythms of new beginnings dancing into spring. The parade may have been the week prior, but today all the magic that goes along with the wearing of the green was on full display.
The faeries, with lighted wings, fluttered about completely unvexed from their peripheral surroundings. In a few days winter would be formally over, and the spring of 2024 would begin. On the surface, with indelible faeries, lucky charms, and regular Irishmen floating together in the simmering light, the world appeared to be in perfect harmony. The month of March is known in the Northeast pasts as a transitional month. Our bodies start to send signals to our brain to wear less clothes and think of all things summer. Our mind’s get a step quicker. Already, the goals of the new year are shaping up, or dying on the vine. The newest year, 2024, is setting up to be the most dramatic year in the history of America’s civilization. Beyond the normal scheduled distractions of holidays and parades lies the truth of what has happened to Bartertown and hundreds of other cities like it throughout this country. “When the medicine becomes worse than the disease society declines,” said the famous philosopher Marcus Aurelius’ a century before the fall of the Roman empire. Matt looked down the long row of sprawling streets in front of the houses of worship. The once quaint little city of his youth had completely morphed before his eyes.

“Elves of hill, brooks, standing lakes, and groves,” wrote William Shakespeare in his romantic comedy ‘A Mid Summer’s Night Dream. The Bard would have had plenty to muse upon walking the streets of Bartertown in 2024. The streets were displaying the results of years of self-serving local government. Over the decade the greedy pols were greased in backroom deals that dumped thousands of disenfranchised people into the local communities. Thousands who live here completely dependent on the state for their survival. There simply wasn’t enough to go around, so the forgotten, the poor, and the disabled were sent to small cities across America. The corrupted leaders of Bartertown couldn’t check them in fast enough, or cash their own checks they received for finding the places to put them up. This has been Bartertown’s business model since a major manufacturing plant picked up its ball and went home back in 1995. A depressed economic area already overpopulated with wards of the state was not ready to meet the strains of 10,000,000 (Probably 800 in Bartertown) undocumented who roam the streets with no plan and no citizenship. Ten million “newcomers” trying to assimilate and live an American Dream that is covered in rust. After the liberal left drove the corrupt republicans out Bartertown, they quickly embraced the identity that goes along with the new progressive world that has tried to run us over. Bartertown is a sanctuary city. The no bail laws are afforded all accused. The District Attorney is a puppet of the far-left socialist agenda. Bartertown is the shining example of the results of building back better. Matt recognized the regulars going about their business. But it was the undocumented, the homeless that got Matt’s attention as winter was becoming spring.

Bartertown is just a microcosm of what the rest of America has deteriorated into. The fools have been fascinated and the intelligent have been muzzled. Trains go off the tracks in East Palestine Ohio, doors fly off commercial airliners built by our best Boeing engineers (Lol), a country without borders, cities where criminals roam free, and decade long tax paying citizens are labeled as bad. Every day, another breakdown happens in the country’s infrastructure causing irrepressible damage moving forward. A couple of days ago one of the countries busiest arterials which leads into one of our countries most active ports collapsed into Baltimore’s Chesapeake Bay. The bridge was the main route into the city (interstate 695). It was struck by a cargo ship at 3:30 am last Wednesday morning. The Francis Scott Key bridge crumbled into the dark waters killing a yet to be determined number of people and causing a nationwide financial crisis regarding the transportation of goods for the next several years. The conspirator theorists were loaded with more ammunition regarding a country that is literally falling apart before our eyes. Now the authorities of this broken country must spend weeks trying to recover the bodies, the cars, and the waste. The cargo liner was carrying 70 tons of hazardous materials that now lay on the surface of the Chesapeake’s waters. While the incident appears to be an accident, the time for excepting truthful explanations from our news media is over. Whether or not the collapse of a major arterial in a major port was pure accident of not , we are all at the point of understanding we need to repair our entire situation assuming it is not too late. All Matt had to do was look into people’s eyes now to see the despair. As the faieries, leprechauns, the undocumented , the homeless dance in the streets, Matt asked himself the curious question ‘ if there is a god where is he sleeping?’

In the traditional religion of Christianity, Good Friday is a day of penance for the Christians to recognize that Jesus Christ was executed on the cross at Calvary. The Christians believe that Christ, on the direction from his father, sacrificed himself in the name of human sin. When God’s son was delivered into the heavens it represented a universal symbol of God forgiving man for original sin. The holiday, the day of Jesus’ death, being named “Good Friday” did not get lost on Matt in translation. Bartertown on “Good Friday 2024” was bustling with the colors, sounds, and machinations of the traditional Easter weekend celebration. The Easter Bunny was handing out colored eggs to the children whose parents had gathered for a “Free Palestine Now” peace demonstration. In the land of Christ’s birth (the Middle East), where God’s holy wars have raged for two thousand years. All these centuries later the fact is that genocide is hovering over the planet. The tensions and the death toll on the Gaza strip heighten every day on a tiny piece of land that is the home of both the Israelis and the Palestinians. America’s role in this conflict has become the number one battlefield of American politics. Bartertown on the surface had the look of what all the streets, in the all the cities across the United States had morphed into. Across the street, from the old Dutch church, at the Roman Catholic Cathedral the parishioners were somberly carrying their makeshift crosses into the services. In front of the worshippers, strangers equipped with knapsacks and government issued bicycles searched for a place to fit. As the Free Palestine Protesters screamed into the night “Cease Fire Now”, the Catholics quietly went inside to beg Jesus to come back and save us one more time.
If you believe the words written in the old and the new testaments God’s son walked this the earth, somewhere in the territory we now call the Middle East. The bible says Jesus was a carpenter, a teacher, and a prophet. For the real believers Jesus Christ was more than a man who was crucified because of his threat to the local politicians of the time. Christians believe God sent his son to earth two thousand and twenty-four years ago to deliver God’s message to humankind. We don’t all agree that Jesus was the son of God , but history does maintain Jesus lived in the middle East for 30 years and was put to death because he was believed to be a traitor to the state. Two days after his gruesome execution Christians believe God’s son rose from the grave presenting proof to his followers that he was a “Messiah.” Today in Bartertown, and cities across this great country, an invasion of America has already taken place. And while this country wages its wars within, the rest of the world watches annihilation in Europe and more genocide in the land of God. Who’s right? And who is wrong? False prophets fill the airways and social media outlets filled with the propaganda of a tyrannical government. The unelected deities blare their false narratives to mindless fools who head to the streets to repeat. The American public is left to figure out the lies and deception for themselves. Matt doubted if God really existed. “If he does he isn’t taking my calls.”
In the year 7510
If God’s a coming, He oughta make it by then…